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What is a TMA?

A Transportation Management Association (TMA) is a membership based, public-private partnership of businesses, institutions & municipalities that are joined together under a formal agreement for the purpose of providing and promoting transportation options for commuters that reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

TMA operations may include: working closely with public agencies, providing first/last mile shuttle services, providing green commuter programs and other Transportation Demand Management services geared at reducing single occupant driving. Each TMA differs in size and range of services based on the needs of the specific geographic locations they serve. As a result, TMAs often collaborate closely with local municipalities and other stakeholders who share the goal of improving local transportation access and economic vitality. Click to see what types of services and programs are offered by TMAs in Massachusetts.

TMAs are dedicated to:

  • Decreasing traffic congestion and improving mobility across the region for people, goods, and services
  • Facilitating local economic development
  • Developing local transportation infrastructure, services, and program
  • Reducing mobile source emissions to improve air quality and the environment
  • Serving as a conduit between communities and local businesses to facilitate compliance with zoning ordinances and regulations

*Businesses that are members of a TMA can include hospitals, colleges and universities, property managers and developers, small and large employers and more.