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8th Annual Massachusetts Excellence in Commuter Options (ECO) Awards

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Fenway Park, 20 Yawkey Way, Boston

Please join MassDOT, MassCommute (Massachusetts' Coalition of Transportation Management Associations), and MassRIDES (the statewide travel options program) for the 8th annual Excellence in Commuter Options (ECO) Awards.

The ECO Awards are a celebration of Massachusetts employers both large and small who have shown a dedication to providing comprehensive transportation options. By offering and incentivizing smart, sustainable transportation choices, these employers are reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and supporting strong local and regional economies. 

We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of Massachusetts employers at Fenway this April!


 * The ECO Awards are open to all TMA member companies and MassRIDES partners. Each ticket includes a full hot breakfast as well as access to the awards ceremony and photo opportununities.

*Interested in becoming an ECO Awards sponsor? Please contact Patrick Sullivan

 @MassCommute #MAECOAwards @MassRIDES  

Check out previous years' winners: